Grading Scale per the LMHS Program of Studies
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Marking Scale
98 – 100 = A+ 77 – 79 = C+
93 – 97 = A 73 – 76 = C
90 – 92 = A- 70 – 72 = C-
87 – 89 = B+ 68 – 69 = D+
83 – 86 = B 65 – 67 = D
80 – 82 = B- 55 – 64 = F*
Below 55 = R** (Repeat Course)
W+ = Withdrew from course passing
W- = Withdrew from course failing
I = Incomplete course: two weeks to complete requirements of
course before grade become an F
*F = 60 hours remedial credit course needed
**R = Must earn 120 hours full original credit