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Special Education



to the

Special Education


Our Department


The Special Education Department offers eligible students a variety of learning support options. The district is committed to maintaining students with IEPs in the regular education setting whenever possible. Special educators and regular education teachers work collaboratively to support student progress. Learning support teachers co-teach in a variety of regular education classes to facilitate the differentiation of instruction and to assist students in achieving academic success. When the IEP team deems it appropriate, direct instruction is provided within special education classrooms.


The Learning Support program is dedicated to meeting the individual needs of students with learning differences. In addition to providing students with academic supports, the Learning Support program also provides assistance to students with emotional, social, and behavioral difficulties. Guidance counselors and special education teachers actively support students with post-high school planning. The department includes one learning support class for those who need to focus on practical real-life activities. The goal of this class is to enable these students to transition to the world after high school and to become productive citizens. When appropriate, related services are provided to students by the district or by outside agencies. The school district provides speech and language therapy, while occupational therapy and physical therapy are provided through individual contracts. The Montgomery County Intermediate Unit provides therapists to students in need of vision, hearing, or orientation and mobility support. In providing these services the faculty and staff at Lower Moreland High School are committed to meeting the needs of all exceptional learners.

Visit each teacher's website for details about their courses. General questions regarding the program can be directed to Mrs. Terri LeGendre-Wingen, Lead Teacher for Special Education 9 - 12. Visit the description of each of the courses offered in the Program of Studies.